How necessary is it for a ugrad to publish during a summer REU?

In summary: This is good to hear.In summary, the conversation discusses the speaker's experience in an REU program at Wayne State University, where they are working at the Smart Sensors and Integrated Microsystems lab. The speaker has been working for 10 hours a week since January and has not yet started on a research project due to the expensive and complex equipment in the field. They are working with a professor to grow Aluminum Nitride thin films using plasma source molecular beam epitaxy. The speaker is constantly reading literature and manuals for the equipment and following their research advisor around. They will be giving a presentation on reflection high energy electron diffraction, but it will not be based on original work. The speaker is wondering if this is typical of REUs and if they
  • #1
I started an REU a Wayne State Univ at their Smart Sensors and Integrated Microsystems lab in the middle of January. Since then I have only been working there 10 hours a week. So far, it doesn't looks like I will even be getting started on any particular research project there any time soon. The reason for this is the experimental equipment used in this particular field is very expensive and there's just a ton of stuff to learn before I will be able to use it on my own. I am working with a professor that is growing Aluminum Nitride thin films by plasma source molecular beam epitaxy.

Everyone keeps telling me to publish, publish, publish, but I don't feel this is will be the outcome of my experience there. Most of the time I am reading the literature and the manuals for a lot of the equipment. I am also just following my research advisor around all day and he explains the stuff to me. Sometimes he will ask me to calibrate some equipment, but usually I just follow him around and ask him questions. Perhaps since this is a longer term REU (part time in the spring 07, full time in the summer, and part time in the fall 07) they are just trying to get me fully trained before they give me a project, as opposed to other REUs where you are kinda just thrown into a jroject knowing next to nothing.

I am giving a presentation on reflection high energy electron diffraction to the department in a few weeks, but this will not be on any original work. It will just be an overview of the topic based on what I have read in textbooks and the literature.

Is this typical of some REUs? At least I am learning a lot of stuff, as opposed to just cleaning glassware or something like a lot of REUs are stuck doing, but I am not publishing. I am trying to get experience that will give me a competitive edge when applying to grad schools, and I just want to know if I am getting that.
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  • #3
leright said:
I am trying to get experience that will give me a competitive edge when applying to grad schools, and I just want to know if I am getting that.

If you're giving a presentation to the department, then I'd say that was pretty good experience!

I don't know what an REU is though, so I can't comment on the questions like "is this typical of an REU?"
  • #4
cristo said:
If you're giving a presentation to the department, then I'd say that was pretty good experience!

I don't know what an REU is though, so I can't comment on the questions like "is this typical of an REU?"

REU stands for research experience for undergraduates
  • #5
i'm unaware of anyone publishing as a result of work performed during an REU.

(then again, i was unaware of anyone doing an REU during the school year.)
  • #6
If any work you manage to produce is new and worth of publication, I'm sure your project supervisor will be happy to tell you. Otherwise, the learning experience is invaluable anyway - most people are thankful to have the chance to cover research experience at all in undergrad.
  • #7
Having participated in a number of REUs and REU-like programs in my undergraduate career, I would say that the majority of REUs do not lead to peer-reviewed publications--none of mine did--and that's fine. You're still learning a lot about your research topic in particular and the process of scientific research in general, and the experience will still strengthen your graduate school applications. Even with relatively mediocre grades and no publications to my name, I was able to get some pretty competitive scholarships (most notably the Goldwater Scholarship: and into some pretty competitive schools (including the University of Michigan, where I am currently finishin up my PhD in electrical engineering), and I think having a lot of research experience definitely helped my cause.

That said, if you do manage to work on something publication-worthy (which does occasionally happen through REUs), I definitely encourage you to get any sort of authorship credit that you can. Having your name on a peer-reviewed publication will definitely give you competitive edge in applying to graduate schools.
  • #8
las3rjock said:
Having participated in a number of REUs and REU-like programs in my undergraduate career, I would say that the majority of REUs do not lead to peer-reviewed publications--none of mine did--and that's fine. You're still learning a lot about your research topic in particular and the process of scientific research in general, and the experience will still strengthen your graduate school applications. Even with relatively mediocre grades and no publications to my name, I was able to get some pretty competitive scholarships (most notably the Goldwater Scholarship: and into some pretty competitive schools (including the University of Michigan, where I am currently finishin up my PhD in electrical engineering), and I think having a lot of research experience definitely helped my cause.

That said, if you do manage to work on something publication-worthy (which does occasionally happen through REUs), I definitely encourage you to get any sort of authorship credit that you can. Having your name on a peer-reviewed publication will definitely give you competitive edge in applying to graduate schools.

Thanks for the advice. This is good to hear.
  • #9
fasterthanjoao said:
If any work you manage to produce is new and worth of publication, I'm sure your project supervisor will be happy to tell you. Otherwise, the learning experience is invaluable anyway - most people are thankful to have the chance to cover research experience at all in undergrad.

Thanks for the advice.

Related to How necessary is it for a ugrad to publish during a summer REU?

1. How will publishing during a summer REU benefit my academic career?

Publishing during a summer REU can greatly enhance your academic career. It shows that you have completed original research and have the ability to communicate your findings to others in the scientific community. This can make you stand out among other undergraduate students and can also make you a more competitive candidate for graduate school or future job opportunities.

2. Is it necessary for all ugrads to publish during a summer REU?

No, it is not necessary for all undergraduate students to publish during a summer REU. It ultimately depends on your individual goals and aspirations. If you are interested in pursuing a career in research or academia, publishing can be a valuable experience. However, if you are not planning on pursuing a career in these fields, it may not be necessary for you to publish.

3. What types of publications are accepted during a summer REU?

The types of publications accepted during a summer REU may vary depending on the program and the specific research project. However, typically, undergraduate students can publish their research findings in conference proceedings, scientific journals, or on their university's website.

4. How can I ensure that my research is publishable during a summer REU?

To ensure that your research is publishable during a summer REU, it is important to communicate with your research mentor and ask for their guidance and feedback throughout the research process. Additionally, make sure to thoroughly review and edit your research findings before submitting them for publication. It may also be helpful to attend workshops or seminars on scientific writing to improve your writing skills.

5. Can I still publish if my research findings are not significant?

Yes, you can still publish your research findings during a summer REU even if they are not significant. Negative or inconclusive results can also be valuable to the scientific community and can lead to further research and discoveries. However, it is important to have a clear and well-supported argument for why your findings are still important and relevant.

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