Acceleration of a proton/electron toward a neutron star

In summary, a neutron star with a radius of 13 km and a mass 1.97 times that of the Sun has a rotation time of 3,150807 ms and a frequency of 317,379008 Herz. This neutron star is a magnetar with a powerful magnetic field of 10^14 Gauss, aligned with its rotational axis. In a scenario where an electron is fired towards its magnetic south pole with an initial distance of 10 million km and a velocity of 50 m/s, the Lorentz force acting on it is perpendicular to the surface of the neutron star. The effect of gravity on the electron may be more significant if fired towards the pole, but it is more complicated to calculate the magnetic field at
  • #1
So, I have this scenario:

A neutron star with radius R = 13 km
Time for 1 rotation is 3,150807 ms, so frequency f about 317,379008 Herz
Mass 1,97 times the Sun's which is then 1,97*(1,9884*10^30) kg
Extra given information: the magnetic axis is aligned with its rotational axis (not that likely but okkkk)

Now this Neutron star is a magnetar and has a powerful magnetic field of about 10^14 Gauss

Now we are in a rocket and we fire a single electron toward its magnetic south pole
initial distance from N-star: 10 million km
initial velocity of electron upon firing: an underwhelming 50 m/s

As the electron approaches the magnetic south pole, what will happen with its acceleration?
How does one calculate its speed upon colliding and how big the impact force is?
If the speed becomes relativistic would this formula be correct: KE = mc^2-m0*c^2
I'm kind of looking as to how the gravity and electromagnetic forces would influence this electron, I assume if one fired it at its magnetic north pole it would be totally different.

So it starts off with a normal velocity and gravitational acceleration g = (-GM*r-accent)/r^2
and how does electromagnetic force work with/against this acceleration?
And if it reaches velocity 0,2c should the gamma factor get a play in the scenario?

Yeah well, is it rude to put such a text out without giving any solutions? I tried, though, but my notebook is messy and I'm sure I'm wronggggg. If not helping me out maybe at least say what's wrong in my reasoning and how I should start off please?

I'm fairly new, but I must admit I've been hanging around threads before, lurking from the dark.

All the best/thanks in advance I guesss,
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Starkiller said:
As the electron approaches the magnetic south pole, what will happen with its acceleration?
How does one calculate its speed upon colliding and how big the impact force is?
If the speed becomes relativistic would this formula be correct: KE = mc^2-m0*c^2
I'm kind of looking as to how the gravity and electromagnetic forces would influence this electron, I assume if one fired it at its magnetic north pole it would be totally different.

do you know how a charged particle moves in a magnetic field ?
go have a search and read-up

then come back and consider how that may affect the situation :wink:
  • #3
Okay so I drew the neutron star
and the vector of its magnetic field is like, from its magnetic North Pole to its magnetic South Pole
So if we have a proton
and we shoot it right toward its magnetic south pole, it will be attracted and the vector of the lorentzforce acting on it
is straight toward the neutron star (perpendicular on its surface)

Lortentzforce on charged particle = Bqv
But, the formula says that vector B must be perpendicular to vector V
what if they both point in the same direction?

But am I thinking into the right direction? anyone
  • #4
fireflies said:
Lortentzforce on charged particle = Bqv
But, the formula says that vector B must be perpendicular to vector V
what if they both point in the same direction?

But am I thinking into the right direction? anyone

you have lorentz force F = q(B x v) B and V are vectors and x stand for the cross product of two vectors. The crossproduct is 0 if the vectors are in the same direction, so there will be no magnetic force if you shoot the electron towards the poles. You might want to consider some other way.
  • #5
Starkiller said:
Okay so I drew the neutron star
and the vector of its magnetic field is like, from its magnetic North Pole to its magnetic South Pole
So if we have a proton
and we shoot it right toward its magnetic south pole, it will be attracted and the vector of the lorentzforce acting on it
is straight toward the neutron star (perpendicular on its surface)

I was trying to get you to find what happens to a charged particle in a magnetic field.
So far you haven't answered that correctly
  • #6
Hmmm I did some righthand rule stuff and I kinda couldn't find the perfect position where Fl and Fg are working in the exact same direction
I think its better to go with the Gravitational acceleration of the proton if shot at the pole, so we can leave out any Fl complications

Though it might be more fun with Fl...
  • #7
Starkiller said:
Hmmm I did some righthand rule stuff and I kinda couldn't find the perfect position where Fl and Fg are working in the exact same direction
I think its better to go with the Gravitational acceleration of the proton if shot at the pole, so we can leave out any Fl complications

Though it might be more fun with Fl...

If you are trying to ask about the effect of gravity on a particle the pole is a good question. If you are trying to understand the magnetic field look at the equator instead. Other angles make it more complicated.

In pulsars the magnetic field is not aligned with the pole. Consider what happens if the magnetic pole is on the equator and you shoot the proton down the rotational axis.

Auroras occur on both of Earth's poles, and other planets.
Tethers unlimited has electrodynamic tethers with diagrams.

Related to Acceleration of a proton/electron toward a neutron star

What is a neutron star?

A neutron star is an extremely dense and compact star that is formed when a massive star undergoes a supernova explosion and its core collapses. It is made up almost entirely of neutrons and has a mass of about 1.4 times that of our sun.

What causes the acceleration of a proton/electron toward a neutron star?

The extreme gravitational pull of the neutron star is what causes the acceleration of protons and electrons towards it. This pull is so strong that it can overcome the repulsive force between protons and cause them to merge with neutrons, forming a more stable nucleus.

How fast do protons/electrons accelerate towards a neutron star?

The acceleration of protons and electrons towards a neutron star can reach speeds of up to 70% of the speed of light. This is due to the immense gravitational force exerted by the neutron star.

What happens to the protons/electrons once they reach the neutron star?

Once the protons and electrons reach the neutron star, they are pulled into the star's core and merge with the neutrons. This process releases a tremendous amount of energy and can result in the emission of high-energy radiation, such as X-rays and gamma rays.

What are the potential effects of the acceleration of a proton/electron towards a neutron star?

The acceleration of protons and electrons towards a neutron star can have a variety of effects, including the emission of high-energy radiation, changes in the magnetic field of the star, and the formation of new elements through nuclear fusion. It also plays a crucial role in the formation and evolution of neutron stars and their surrounding environments.

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